In a bowl, scramble eggs.
Add in pecorino cheese and heavy cream along with any seasonings.
Whisk mixture. The more whisking you do the more air will be added - which makes for a fluffier frittata.
In a pan, add butter and light olive oil till butter melts and starts to fizzle.
Add frozen peas to pan to defrost. Season lightly with salt and pepper.
Once peas are mostly cooked through, drizzle the egg mixture over the peas till the peas and pan are covered.
Reduce heat to medium low and cover with lid. Check often and move pan around so that the eggs can get mostly cooked through. You want the eggs to cook through but not burn the bottom. If the bottom gets brown too fast, reduce heat to low.
When most of the eggs have cooked through, bring pan over to the sink. With a dish that is the same size as the pan, cover the pan with the dish and carefully flip. There will be some extra egg- its ok.
Quickly push the egg back onto the same pan to finish cooking the other side. Return to stove and cover with lid. Place heat to medium to cook through.
Slide the frittata off the pan and onto a dish. Garnish if you like with parsley and cut like a pizza. Enjoy!