Zia Melina’s Easy Homemade Pasta

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Zia Melina’s Easy Homemade Pasta

There are a million versions on how to make fresh pasta at home, my Aunt Melina showed me the simplest version with only FOUR Ingredients!
Course Main Course
Cuisine Italian


  • Pasta Cutter optional, you can easily make it by hand or use a tagliatelle press, or cavatelli maker as seen in the video.


  • 4 cups flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 1/2 cups warm water


  • On a clean surface, form a pile of flour with a well in the middle
  • Add Eggs and Salt and mix, slowly and gradually adding in flour and water.
  • Knead together and add water as needed till a soft dough is formed. Approx, 20 minutes.
  • Optional: Let Rest to develop gluten, but not necessary
  • Cut pasta to desired shape.
  • Freeze Option: Lay parchment in a disposable aluminum tray and layer pasta, placing parchment in between where necessary. Freezer for up to 3 months.


Keyword Italian
‘mpara l’arti e jettala da parti

A Sicilian Saying which translates to: learn the art and put it aside. Which is what my Zia Melina said is why I should learn how to make homemade pasta, because once you learn, you will always have the skill and knowledge to make pasta yourself, just in case you need it.

Making homemade pasta is a tricky business because it is very intuitive and the recipe varies per family. I have a different recipe for pasta that I learned from the internet, but this one my Aunt taught me is what she called the “basic” – minimal ingredients, minimal work, but massive pay off.

But, if you made it this far in reading, then I should probably also tell you about the ending of this video. My nonna, aka my heart and soul, is 94 years old. Her memory fails her now, and she often forgets people and places, which often includes me. It is terribly heartbreaking to see someone you love and cherish kind of disappearing in front of your very eyes, but I am always warmed when she does remember me. It breaks my heart every single time but I love her immensely and forever eternally grateful for having the most loving grandmother a little girl could have ever asked for.